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WC White Nights
[Nevskaya Palitra]
Water-colors for professional Artists and Students

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WC White Nights, Watercolors, Nevskaya Palitra

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Mars Brown

[412***TR, PBr6tr, nsp, G]
[WC White Nights]
Artist watercolor. St.Petersburg White Nights, Pan 2.5 ml (0.084 oz.)
Product PBN412
White nights are an amazing phenomenon of nature when the night is as light as the day.
It can be observed in St. Petersburg in the beginning of summer.
The supreme quality “White Nights” watercolours (WC) combine old masters’ traditions and modern technologies.
St.Petersburg “White Nights” watercolours are made by hand from finely ground pigments and binders containing
gum Arabic acknowledged as the best natural adhesive for professional watercolours.
Synthetic brushes as well as the ones made from Siberian kolinsky and squirrel fur can be applied for work.
  1. The maximum tones intensiveness which is preserved even when colours are mixed with large quantities
  2. water is provided by the high pigment concentration and its fine grinding
  3. perfect smearing and spreading
  4. perfect mixing qualities
  5. perfect mixing qualities
  6. 64 monopigment colours
  7. easy to pick up with a brush
  8. unsurpassed price-quality ratio

Degree of Lightfastness (under museum conditions):
*** or +++ - 100 years completely lightfast
** or ++ - 25-100 years lightfast
* or + - 10-25 years lightfast

PCxxx - International Pigment Code and Number (see in the description of paint).
PWxx - Pigment White (number хх)
PYxx - Pigment Yellow
PRxx - Pigment Red
PVxx - Pigment Violet
PBxx - Pigment Blue
PGxx - Pigment Green
PBrxx - Pigment Brown
PBkxx - Pigment Black
PCtr - Pigment "C" is Transparent.

Opacity (Sign in our catalogs instead of Rectangle)
T, TR - Transparent Paint
ST - Semi-Transparent Paint
SO - Semi-Opaque Paint
O, OP - Opaque Paint

Additional Properties: (instead of Triangle)
snp - Standing Paint
ssp - Semi-Standing Paint
nsp - Non-Standing Paint
G - Granulating Paint
NE - Natural Earth
PST - Pastel Color

Plastic Pans 2.5 ml (0.0845 oz.) - 134 colors
or Aluminium Tubes 10 ml (0.338 oz) - 118 colors

Nevskaya Palitra, St.Petersburg, Russia

NOTES of Violtan:
We have checked many types of water-colors of numerous manufacturers.
The water-colors 'White Nights' have the most concentrated pigments, pure and strong color shades.

2.5 ml / 7 g  Nevskaya Palitra
$2.07 x  

WC White Nights

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